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Enterprises are wasting 30% of their telecom budget on unoptimized services

It takes time and effort to optimize services and keep them that way, a luxury that always seems to lose to other priorities.  Some are experts at negotiating lower rates, and billing optimization is great.  But at the end of the day, without service optimization, enterprises are STILL overspending on telecom services.


Enterprises struggle with over-provisioned, under-performing networks and a lack of real-time usage visibility, driving excessive spending. Intelitrex can stay ahead of these issues, keeping your services optimized and preventing overspend in real time.

Overage Charge Prevention

While unlimited wireless plans are becoming more prolific, they also introduce issues like bandwidth throttling or even unexpected costs.  Therefore, when fixed wireless devices are backing up primary wireline service, most businesses will opt for a capped wireless plan.  

It is not uncommon for these backup wireless devices to be consuming data without administration being fully aware.  The all-too-often result is usage in excess of the cap…and a huge bill shock!.

Intelitrex will keep an eye out for cellular data usage and notify the right people BEFORE the cap has been reached so that steps can be taken to prevent crippling overage charges.

Cellular Analytics, Reporting, and Optimization

In addition to cellular data overages, businesses often pay money for SIMs that are no longer used but are still being charged.  And anomalies often appear that, without real-time visibility, eventually become trends that lead to unnecessary expenses.

Intelitrex will provide customers with notifications of critical trends and events, along with regular reporting on quality of service, wasted fees on dormant circuits, and other critical connectivity KPI’s.  Mobility services need to be optimized and REMAIN optimized, and Intelitrex will help ensure so.

Circuit Right-Sizing

Enterprises often need to increase the bandwidth of their internet or WAN circuits to accomodate new applications.  This is an easy problem to see and address, as users will complain of slow or lagging transmissions and ask for help.  What’s not so easy to identify is the opposite case.  Businesses often pay for bandwidth that they do not actually need, simply because there’s been no easy way to know about the problem.

Intelitrex will report on actual throughput of internet circuits, enabling a comparison of that truth to the purchased bandwidth, and show sites that are not paying for optimal bandwidth.

SLA Validation

Imagine NOT having to rely on a carrier’s SLA report in order to know if the carrier met all the required SLA parameters.  With Intelitrex, enterprises can have an objective view of the carriers’ transport availability…a source of truth to hold the carriers accountable.

Never leave another SLA credit behind!

Dormant/Disconnected Circuit Notification

Without accounting having the ability to know when circuits get disconnected by an individual, an enterprise is flying blind. And that business may therefore be paying for circuits that were disconnected months ago. Imagine pouring your hard-earned IT budget into a black hole of non-existent services. It’s not just about the money wasted; it’s the time and energy spent chasing down billing errors and fighting tooth and nail for credits that should never have been an issue in the first place.

MACD verification puts you in control, ensuring you only pay for what you truly use and need, then giving you a single source of truth for connectivity inventory. It’s not just saving money; it’s about reclaiming your time and peace of mind.


Intelitrex revolutionizes enterprise connectivity…

from overspending to optimization! 

Backed by strategic industry insights and unparalleled technology, Intelitrex is committed to unlocking massive efficiency gains for global businesses. Our mission is to provide a managed SaaS solution that optimizes networks and connectivity, delivering tangible benefits to organizations worldwide.

Trusted by the largest telecom, retail and hospitality companies in the world.