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In today’s world, the internet and wide area networks (WAN) are crucial for businesses. But, many companies face a common problem: some of their internet or WAN circuits are too small and cause slowdowns, while others are too big, making them pay for more than they need. This issue can waste money and slow down business operations.

The Problem: Not the Right Size

Some businesses have circuits that are too small, which can slow down work and frustrate customers. Imagine your online services running slow when you need them the most. On the other hand, having circuits that are too big means you’re spending money on internet capacity you don’t use. It’s like renting a huge office when you only need a small space. Both situations mean you’re not using your resources wisely.

The Solution: Finding the Perfect Match

The answer is to have a way to know exactly what size your internet and WAN needs are. This means using a tool that looks closely at how and when your network is used. It should be able to tell you not just what you need now, but also what you’ll need in the future. This tool would let you adjust your network size so it’s always just right for your business, helping you avoid both slowdowns and wasted money.

Cost Savings: Smart Spending

Using a tool to make sure your WAN circuits are the right size can save you a lot of money. It stops you from overspending on too much bandwidth and helps you avoid the problems that come with not having enough. This means you can spend your money on other important things for your business. Right-sizing your network isn’t just a cost; it’s a smart investment that keeps your business running smoothly and efficiently.

Better Operations: Keeping Things Running Smoothly

Having a tool that helps you keep your network at the right size can make a big difference in how your business runs. It makes your IT setup more flexible and ready to handle changes quickly. This is really important in today’s fast-moving business world, where being able to quickly adapt can lead to success. Plus, by always having the right amount of network capacity, everything works better for both your team and your customers, leading to more productivity and happier customers.

In short, getting your network size just right isn’t just about saving money; it’s about making your business work better in every way. With the right tools, you can make sure your network meets your needs perfectly, making your business more efficient and ready to face the future.


Intelitrex measures the throughput of your circuits so that you can easily compare to purchased bandwidth and know if you’re paying for right-sized circuits. And with tailored integrations and automations, Intelitrex will optimize your connectivity performance by bringing real-time visibility and control that traditional circuit and cellular management cannot achieve. With Intelitrex, you’re not just saving; it is a strategic leap forward for you to create business growth and innovation capabilities.

Are you ready to move beyond the conventional and unlock your business’s true potential? Contact us, or help us instantly assess your environment, and let’s talk about it.